Debt Collection generates a lot of letters. Written correspondence between you and your debtors is important and still one of the most effective methods of prompting interaction. Since introducing our new integration and workflow engine  we have been able to start introducing many new custom and connected processes for our customers. One process in particular is letter generation and printing.

Letters  are produced in DebtView either manually while a collector is in the account or automated as part of a configured workflow. DebtView has the concept of a print queue which allows you see the letters which are waiting to be generated and printed.

Letter generation and printing can be a long winded process due many reasons. Some things that our clients customers have to do in order to print their letters:

  • Generate the files, sometimes splitting them with a max number of pages to help reduce file size and memory consumption in printers etc.
  • Split by client or portfolio ,  a common requirement. Customers often need to split their letters out by a particular data point , for example by account type or by the debts owning entity. This is usually needed to send files to their print fulfilment centres in batches with individual letter head needs.
  • Naming conventions. Again often related to sending to a print partner, the name of the file being sent is often important to the printer as it allows them to differentiate across letter types , often for letter head and paper quality differences per letter.
  • Page codes, an effective way of identify a document end or to distinguished a letter type  is to add a white labeled code into a pdf document to provide additional information to the printer. For example adding a code to suggest a document has ended allows you to send multi page documents to your printer so the appropriate pages are grouped together and stuffed into a single envelope.
  • Validation. Validating the letters received by the printer vs what was sent is important. Printing a duplicate batch of letters can be an expensive mistake, so often a simple reconciliation process is introduced prior to printing between the printer and the collections team.
  • Integration, we see many print companies being used across our customers and each has a different way of receiving files either manually or via an automated route.

​Having introduced our new integration engine (Snapsaas) was are now able to configure print batch logic and fully automate the process of generating your files (with the appropriate naming convention, page codes ) , we are also able to configure the saving of those files into DebtView and the process of sending your files to your print vendor and generating a report which is sent to both reconciliation.

This is just one area that we have recently updated (to use our Snapsaas engine) to give our customers the flexibility, performance and automation they need to remain cost effective an efficient.


Noel Ady